Readings 07.1
Art, technology and culture – which came first?
Murphie + Potts pose the following questions in this week’s readings:
How do we live with technology? What impact does it have on our lives? How should we concieve of technology? Are technologies neutral in themselves, that is, does the way in which they are used determine their cultural impact? Or do technologies have intrinsic properties that shape the cultures into which they are introduced?” (p.11)
Here are some definitions which helped me navigate through the readings.
Technology: the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry; machinery and equipment developed from scientific knowledge.
Culture: the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively; the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society.
So does technology change the way we act, or is the way we act changing technology???
Readings 07.2
Shields and collage:
- Collage as an evolution beyond narrative.
- The law of mosaics: how to deal with parts in the absence of wholes.
- The absence of plot leaves the reader room to think about other things.
- Story seems to say that everything happens for a reason, and I want to say, no, it doesn’t.
- You don’t make art; you find it.
- The gaps between paragraphs the gaps between people
The only thing of worth you can learn from mine is that the spaces between words deserves to shine.” – Session & The Bear