List of References

Apostola, A. (2014). The Evolution of the Curator | Design Online. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Oct. 2014].

Benkler, Y. (2006). The wealth of networks. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Bourdieu, P. (1986). ‘The forms of capital’. In J. Richardson (Ed.) Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education. New York: Greenwood.

Landow, G. (2006). Hypertext 3.0. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Lasswell, H. and Kaplan, A. (1950). Power and society. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Lessig, L. (2004). Free culture. New York: Penguin Press.

Nelson, T. (1992). Literary Machines 91.1: The Report On, and Of, Project Xanadu Concerning Word Processing, Electronic Publishing, Hypertext, Thinkertoys, Tomorrow’s Intellectual Revolution, And Certain Other Topics Including Knowledge, Education and Freedom. Sausalito: Mindful Press.

Watts, D. (2003). Six degrees. New York: Norton.


The original essay can be found here.

Introducing: The Green Jui-thie

Here is my recipe for the ultimate green jui-thie (juice cross smoothie) which I have been loving for the past few weeks. At the start of each week, I make up a batch of four-five smoothies. I keep them in the fridge in airtight bottles, ready to tote into uni/work each day. They last surprisingly well, and are super delicious thanks to the beautiful mint and refreshing cucumber taste.


Ingredients: (Makes four)

  • 1 lettuce
  • 3 handfuls spinach
  • 1 bunch mint
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 5 pears
  • 5 oranges
  • 5 carrots
  • 3 apples
  • Water, as needed
Apples have a surprising amount of caffeine to really wake you up in the morning.

Apples have a surprising amount of caffeine to really wake you up in the morning.

My secret ingredient - mint!

My secret ingredient – mint!


  1. Juice the carrot and oranges to provide the liquid base of your smoothies.
  2. Chop up remaining fruits and vegetables and add to high-powered blender.
  3. Blend for 1-2 minutes until smooth. Add additional water until you reach desired consistency.
  4. Enjoy straight away, or refrigerate for up to four days.


For your daily dose of nutrients and minerals from vegetables and fruit in a delicious drink, give this recipe a go and let me know how you like it. The carrots give you masses of vitamin A, while the spinach gives you a great portion of magnesium and iron. The oranges give you a hit of vitamin C which is sure to keep the winter bugs at bay.

Lush Haul!

Baths and pampering sessions are by far one of my favourite and most sacred rituals.

Thanks to some product recommendations from various YouTubers, beauty bloggers, and friends, I went all-out in the handmade cosmetics store Lush. I filled my bathroom with goodies to get me through the next few weeks, and wanted to share with you some of my new favourites.


An entire basket of bath bombs! What a sight! Baths are my way of centring myself after a particularly anxious day, or when I’m struggling to wind down and get ready for sleep. I haven’t ventured very far in the Lush bath bomb department as there are not many scents I love. I normally stick to the old faithful Dragon’s Egg bath bomb, but this time I decided to lash out and try some new products.

In my basket are:

So far I’ve only used The Sparkler (which is the long, yellow one in the image above). It was so much fun to watch it fizz away as I slunk into a warm bath at the end of a long day of university study. As it dissolved, the colours change to reflect the most amazing firework-like explosion of colour and sparkles.


This is my (growing) collection of Lush face products. I bought the Ocean Salt Scrub a few months ago and have fallen more in love with it with each weekly use. It is so refreshing, with a tingling lime fragrance and gentle exfoliants which leaves your skin feeling so smooth. The salt and the vodka(!) also act as an amazing decongestant which clears imperfections and keeps problem skin at bay.


The 9 to 5 Cleanser is a new purchase, which I’m currently enjoying very much. I love a liquid cleanser as I find them the easiest way to remove makeup, especially during the late hours when all you want to do is collapse in bed. What I love most about this cleanser is that it leaves the skin feeling clean, but also thoroughly moisturised and not dried out, as some cleaners can leave you feeling.

Grease Lightning has been a saving grace for me these last few months. It really is the most incredible way to make spots disappear practically overnight! I was also told my the store assistant that it can be used like a primer, which I tried a few times but I didn’t notice too much of a difference. I prefer to use this product in conjunction with my daily skincare routine and dab a (very) small amount on problem areas before heading to sleep. A little of this product goes a long way, and I think it’s super affordable for the amount of product you get.

At the counter, I swindled myself into picking up one of the Popcorn Lip Scrubs, and I haven’t regretted it one bit. I only end up using this product about once a week, usually whenever I do a face mask. It’s designed to be able to be licked off (since the main ingredient is sugar), but I prefer to just scrub for 30 – 60 seconds and then wash off. It smells seriously delicious though.


BB Seaweed is the second Lush fresh face mask I have tried out (the first being the Catastrophe Cosmetic, which I loved). The BB Seaweed mask is beautiful though. The ground almonds and millet flakes act as the most lovely, gentle exfoliant, and the honey and aloe vera are so calming. I find that this mask reduces a lot of my redness as well. My only criticism would be the smell – it really turns me off!


Thankfully for my bank account, that was all I got this time around at Lush. I’m looking forward to using all my products and discovering which ones will become faithful repurchases!

You can check out Lush’s range of handmade and fresh cosmetics here.