Trackbacks 04

Sophie with an amazing infographic about what a day in the internet looks like, which provided the following incredible statistics:

  • 294 billion emails are sent
  • 2 million blog posts are written
  • 172 million people visit Facebook, posting 532 million statuses and spending 4.7 billion minutes on the site.
  • 98 years of video footage is uploaded to YouTube
  • More iPhones are sold in one day than babies are born across the world.

Nethaniel with a surprisingly poetic image of a blog within a blog, creating what he calls ‘blog-ception’.

Caitlin with a story that spreads fear in the heart of any digital native: her iPhone has recently died. I couldn’t help but chuckle as I read along, realising with each new word just how desperately crucial my iPhone has become in my life. It is all-but an extension of my hand. Like many, it’s the first thing I look at when I wake up in the morning. I panic when it’s out of sight. I can’t fall asleep without it under my pillow. I once had a thirty minute tantrum on the Eurostar between London and Paris when I realised I had left my phone in my UK apartment and was not going to be able to document my trip using my iPhone camera! How laughable!

I’m sure we’ve all been in similar situations, when it becomes so very clear how much our relationship with a piece of aluminium and glass has developed into frighteningly dependent therapy-worthy patterns. But I couldn’t love that any more if I tried! For me, the affordances of these new technologies so far outweigh their downfalls, and I cannot wait to see what trends continue to emerge as they weave themselves even further into our lives.

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