Assessment 3

71% of the earth is covered by water. It is a crucial element of life, and yet is under struggling with copious amounts of pollution



Water pollution is a build-up of substances to the extent that can cause problems for people and wildlife.



Most water pollution comes from city sewage and industrial waste clearance. Also, caused by people leave rubbish, mostly plastics.



80% of water pollution comes from the land. Most of this pollution is a result of runoff, from sources such as small septic tanks, cars and other motor vehicles, farms, ranches and forest areas.



Plastic is the most common substance found in polluted water, killing enormous amounts of marine wildlife as it is swept into the oceans.


Some animals mistake plastic bags for prey and eat them, some get tangled up in it and drown, and others are just slowly poisoned from the chemicals in the water



It’s humans that are polluting. Even if we aren’t meaning to, we are polluting the Earth. We forget to pick up rubbish, we don’t recycle and plastics can’t be broken down. We leave cigarette buts everywhere you can imagine.



But what if we changed that? What if we started picking up our rubbish? What if we started recycling properly? What if we used out hands to clear plastic from the water? What kind of world would we have then?



Links to WWF  and Green Peace to learn more about what you can do to help prevent and fight back against water pollution.


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