Reflection: Entangled Media

The idea that everything in the world is somehow entangled in a very intricate web is quite an overwhelming thought. It reminds me of the ‘Butterfly Effect’ theory which states “the outsize significance of minute occurrences” (Vernon, J. 2017). I describe entanglement as the way in which everything is connected to everything, a “trail of movement or growth” (Ingold, 2011). Water is an apt demonstration of this concept as it ebbs and flows in and out of everything.

Water is one of the most vital resources for this world. If there is too much it floods and destroys, if there is too little, the drought that follows devastates. I have represented water in almost following the flow of it throughout the world and what it can do. For example I have taken water out of the glass initially and then followed that with the devastation in the world (while not all directly water-related, the devastation effect is the communicated symbol). Furthermore, I have followed filling up the glass with the beauty in nature and everything water can do to bring it to life.

I chose a variety of media forms to demonstrate the way water ebbs and flows throughout our lives.My favourite ‘collaboration’ of types of media is the montage of the destruction around the environment with the sound of dripping water. I did this to symbolise two things; time is running out, as heard by the slow drip of the tap, and water is vital. I really like the power that juxtaposition has.

I also filled the glass of water up as a video so that it would appear as though that specific glass of water was being poured on the crops in one smooth flowing motion.

I chose not to put a slow zoom on the photos of the positive nature’s because I wanted the final sunset to stand out as significant photos.

A background noise can add or takeaway so much effect. I really like the effect my sound has on the final piece. Whether it’s the simple power of a water droplet, or the cheerful tune of a country song, they both help create the atmosphere I was aiming for.

were a few things that I think could have been improved. I don’t think the order flows as it should. I think it would have been a much smoother transition to start with filling up the glass and then change direction with Al Gore’s words and then the devastation currently taking place in our environment, as I had originally planned. I think it would have worked a lot better as a ‘shock’ piece. However, during the editing phase I decided that the world already has negativity in abundance and I would try to avoid adding to it. Hence, the change of order and ending with an ‘everything will work out’ vibe.

During the process of putting my piece together, I have learnt a lot about the power of juxtaposition during the story-telling process. For example, when putting this together I wanted to finish with a happy ending. Had I linked the story to the glass of water by first depicting the beautiful nature shots and then the pictures of the drought, the audience would be left with a depressing turn. However, the way it was put together with the song “Everything’s gonna be alright’ puts a positive spin on the situation that is currently occurring in 100% of NSW. The most important part of a final media piece is the presentation, the order of events to tell the right story.


The final presentation was disappointing. I was hoping I would be able to have each video embedded in the video. That ruins the flow of my piece, but I hope the effect of each video is still the same.



Davis, B. (2018). Farmers in survival mode: Lower Hunter battles awful drought. [Blog] Narromine News. Available at: [Accessed 9 Aug. 2018]. 

Elaigwu, E. (2014). Environmental Degradation in the Niger Delta. [Blog] Youth Voices Their Perspective. Available at: [Accessed 8 Aug. 2018].

India TV News Desk (2017). 25 years after ‘warning’ over environmental concerns, 15,000 scientists issue ‘second notice’ to humanity. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Aug. 2018].

Ingold, T (2011) ‘Rethinking the animate, reanimating thought’, Being Alive: Essays on movement, knowledge and descriptionRoutlege: London, New York 67-75  [Accessed 2 August. 2018]

Law, J (2004) After method: Mess in social science research Routledge: Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon 1-2 [Accessed 7 August. 2018]

Rainfall variations to average Australia June to August 2017. (2017). [Blog] ABC News. Available at: [Accessed 10 Aug. 2018].

Vernon, J. (2017). Understanding the Butterfly Effect. American Scientist, [online] 105(3), p.130. Available at: [Accessed 3 Aug. 2018].

Woodburn, J. (2018). NSW Government says entire state in drought, new DPI figures reveal full extent of big dry. ABC news. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Aug. 2018].


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