Project Brief 4 – reflection

This project had elements that were challenging and elements that were relatively straight forward.
I found learning how to work with audio alone quite challenging as I had never done it before. I had to learn from scratch how to use Audition by watching a few different tutorials. However, while it took a bit of time to learn the outline, the basic idea is quite similar to that of Premier Pro (Timeline editing wise) so it didn’t take too long to get the hang of (the very, very, very basic hang of).
I also found it relatively difficult narrowing down our ideas. We started quite broad in class with the general concept of ‘young-ins‘ using social media as a way to gain attention and focus the spotlight (for however limited time) on themselves.
But we managed to in the end (after doing a heap of research you just find the idea that interests you the most).
On the other hand, my group was really good at working together and dividing the work. During class we figured out our skeleton and then decided what each of us would do before we met up. Everyone arrived to the meeting on time, and with all their work done (something that is apparently rare within University group assignments). My group just made doing the work and putting everything together so easy.

Throughout this project I learnt how to manage my time quite well (the fact that it was the only assignment I had left for the semester made it easier to prioritise). But as it was a group assignment, you had to get the work done in a reasonable timeframe because you can’t let the rest of your team down. It really brings out a sense of camaraderie when it comes to timing.
I also learnt how important it is to teach yourself the skills to complete a project (for example learning how to use Audition). I mean this in the sense that during High School everything is pretty well spoon-fed, and this project gave me the opportunity to take initiative and teach myself (with the help of Lynda).

My favourite part of our final edit is the concept of it. I really like the idea that it’s a ‘breaking news’ story. I also really like the way that we have incorporated real celebrities talking about nude selfies to make it seem like they are actually being recorded by us,I think the way that it has been edited with background noise makes it seem as though we are really talking to them.

However, I feel like we could have tried to find a little bit more information and bulk it up a bit and we rely on theme songs to build time. While this does at comical effect, because they do go for a very long time, I think this joke could have been made once, not on both occasions.

Overall, I really like this project and am quite happy with the outcome. We divided each section of editing and then brought it all together at the end, and I think the final cut flows really well together.


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