W11 Initiative

This week I was practicing my recording skills and I remembered a Youtube video I had watched a while back when I was working on my Vlog for Pop Culture. It’s pretty much just a how-to video of recording sound specifically for Youtube videos, but the idea of some of the pointers are pretty general.

I decided to re-watch the video and found it pretty much told me the same things Kyla had gone over in the lecture (but in less detail). I thought it might have been a moo point (Thankyou Joey Tribiani) watching another video like this, but it was actually really helpful. (Well “really helpful” is a strong way to put it, but it was still good!) It just kind of reinforced good tips and points. I’ve attached a link to the video.


I also enjoy watching videos like that that are actually enjoyable to watch (obviously). But I mean that in the sense that I find it interesting how different people edit their videos to get a good balance between them talking to the camera (which I find makes it more an more… intimate experience, and then cutaways to vary up the shots and make it seem less, well… boring. I find that the perfect balance varies on each video and depend on how animated each different host it, as well as the content they are actually talking about (and how interesting it is to just listen to – funny that).

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