W11 Workshop

During this workshop we got to dabble with audio. I however have never worked with Audition at all, so before I could even begin looking at how to edit the audio we filmed in our groups I had to watch some serious tutorials. I’m still struggling a bit with it, but getting there!

It took a little bit of editing, but as we had really planned out what we wanted the sound to… sound like, it was easy to place everything once it was all cut.

During this assessment I learnt that while in a video you can just cut different angles to make the edits flow, you can’t do that with audio. You have to have a consistent background noise to work with.

I also learnt that the placement of different sounds is important, and changes the entire scene. I realise that these are the things that were gone over in our lecture, and I mean… It’s obvious. Of course, sound is different to video! But still, as I always find: you can’t learn everything by having someone tell it to you. Unfortunately… you’ve got to experience it.

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