Final Class!

Today, was the final class (wow has that come around fast)! I didn’t actually realise this until the end… but of course it’s the final class!

To celebrate, we had special guests in to give us feedback  on our rough-cuts. Alright, I’ll be honest… my group didn’t exactly have our rough-cut down. But we DID go and interview a few people when we met up during the week. While we knew it wasn’t exactly our final product, it was really good to get some tips!
We found out that we needed to be waaay more specific with our questions, and ask less people the more nitty-gritty stuff. We ended up re-doing the whole skeleton of our piece based on the feedback (hopefully for the better, but then – that’s the point of feedback isn’t it? To change for the better.)
I think after we really mapped out exactly what we were going to do, and how we were going to do it (after we’d heard what to change and what not to change), the project became a lot less daunting. We each left with our own jobs for our own segments to do before we meet back on Monday.  (Goodness me, we’re an efficient group… Monday?)

I also really liked to be able to hear what another group was doing for their project. I mean, we’re all given the same project and that same inspiration word (attention) and I always find it so fascinating the different way’s people take and angle their work. The group we listened to were talking about Game of Thrones. While I had zero idea of where they were taking it, it thought it was great!

I really think it was a great last class. A way for us to do a final reconnect and review of our ideas, and receive professional feedback on them, and then go forth, into the world (earlier than usual #win) and finish our final piece.

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