workshop w10

This workshop we learnt how to use the small recording devices we will hopefully use during the recording of our projects. We interviewed in our groups where someone’s favourite place to get a coffee on campus was. While we were still inside the classroom with minimal resources, we tried to make it sounds as though someone was swirling their coffee and give some sort of locational context to the piece. In hind-sight, a coffee swirl doesn’t exactly mimic that of a 1L drink bottle… I think this piece was a great starting point in regards to editing and sound placement though. While I was editing this is was kind of a “Pin the tail on the Donkey” kind of deal. Less in the sense that I was physically blind when placing the sounds, but more that I was creatively blind – I had never edited just audio before and the best place to put the swirling sound to make the most sense wasn’t obvious.


I think there are definitely things to work on in this, but I don’t think not the worst first effort ever either.

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