What is media exactly?

When it comes down to it? What is media? What boxes does something have to tick before it falls under th ever growing umbrella of ‘Media’?.

I’m glad you asked. Media is: Film and tv, it’s news papers and magazines, a source of information, an experience in itself (how you feel during/after you’ve consumed), it’s constantly developing and expanding, a form of communication between you and the world, and it’s everything in between.

Media is amazing. It has, arguably, been the focus for most increases in technology (Apple and Google), and it’s these technologies that have allowed media to change the world. It’s made the world much smaller with various communication apps, (snapchat, Whatsapp), and platforms to spread news and videos across the globe (Youtube, Facebook) and allows people to communicate wherever they are.

In the week 2 lecture, the ever expanding idea of what Media really stood out and rendered with me. The size and vastness of the possibilities is amazing.

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