Lecture Notes

What is the benefits of lists?

  • Lists keep things separate.
  • Adrian says the list can disrupt the narrative. The main interest, though, is how they are literary. What can we achieve with lists in a literary sense?

Why and to what end are we freed from the ‘tyranny of representation’?

  • To work with Korsakow, and other media that produce non-linear storytelling, is liberating. It is a bit more free than traditional forms of media.
  • Adrian asks, why is representation a tyranny? Representation can only say a little bit about what the world is. And in doing that, they claim to speak for the whole world. This is just wrong. Because it is a tyranny, we keep misreading the world.

Why has Google not picked up Korsakow?

  • Korsakow is not networked. There are other forms of online documentary tools that are available for users that Google prefer.
  • As an example of the Google business environment, Adrian says good designers do not stay at Google long because of their engineering culture. They are a little bit stale in their way of doing things.
  • Youtube is old media. It is esentially chunks of video the users have uploaded to a server. It is not a ‘new media’ tool for creation, such as Korsakow.
  • Adrian also does not see why the fact Korsakow has not been bought is an issue, or seen as a negative. He believes this is a very commercial way of looking at things, and we may be missing the point of the tool.

Will multi-linear videos become mainstream?

  • It was argued this is already happening. Comments, multi-platform websites etc. is presently common in story telling and information dissemination.
  • Adrian believes we are moving towards fragmented forms of media. Twitter, Vine, etc. We will take these fragments and do something with them – possibly create narrative with them more often.
  • Time-shifting has become important, and widespread in our everyday lives.

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