Lecture Notes
What is the point in redefining narrative as anything more than ‘cause and effect’?
- So much more to outline – the in-between
- Adrian disagrees – to infer the narrative you must look at the cause and effect
- Narratives have causal relations
Ryan notes ‘we can never be sure that sender and receiver have the same story in mind.’ Korsakow films allow for greater freedom of interpretation. Do you see this as a positive or negative? How can the filmmaker control interpretations?
- This is a positive thing – open structure. Not being told what to think
- With K-Films there will be different experiences
- Filmmakers can’t control what the audience thinks. Get over it!
- Story is a dance
Ryan argues that sender and receiver will always have a different story in mind. Would this be a negative for us when trying to convey a story or meaning with Korsakow?
- Perhaps Korsakow is not the right platform
- Looking at the tool first rather than the story
Do you believe the meaning of narrative has been diluted through its descriptive use in society?
- Loses meaning and gets used as an umbrella term
What is the difference between the components of story and discourse?
- Discourse is the way its told
- Story is the meaning
When considering non-linear narrative, how important is Ryan’s sixth criteria for identifying narrative; the notion of ‘closure’?
- Closure is invested in the audience they decide when they can stop watching