Week 1 had us reading a piece on hyper and deep attention. Deep attention being when a person is focusing and concentrating wholeheartedly on one activity at a time and hyper attention being the complete opposite; focusing on a range of activities at any one time.
While I’d love to be a person who can put whole undivided attention into everything I do, I’ve found that I’m much more accustomed to hyper attention. I mean I’m listening to music and drinking a coffee even while writing this post and it got me thinking –
Why am I a hyper attentive person?
What makes me a hyper attentive person?
Is it because I always did my homework in front of the TV as a kid?
Would I be any different if I had deep attention?
An interesting point that the report made was the explanation that multitasking is nothing more than ‘the rapid alternation among different tasks’ which begs the question in regards to the idea that ‘men can’t multitask’ – do men just generally have deep attention where women generally have hyper attention? I’d love to see further studies on the subject, it’s good food for thought.