Tag: collaboration

B is for Bring the Noise

So we pretty much decided on a sound-related media artefact for this group project.  A podcast/broadcast piece that essentially markets the marketing of film festivals hitting Melbourne in the month of May.
We have our sass-filled scripts and basic interview questions ready to go.  We plan on interviewing a myriad of people of all ages on their opinions and views on film festivals – in fact I’m calling my grandma tonight and I am going to hard out interrogate her on the subject.  Even though she’s probably never been to one in her whole life but that’s besides the point.  Rounded research people!

Georgina’s festival focus is the St. Kilda Film Festival, Chrys’s festival is the Human Rights Film Festival and mine is the Audi German Film Festival.  That’s one indie, one message driven and one rather large, culture-fuelled festival.  A good mix, I feel.  Next is starting to record and throw together some kind of first draft.  As Mario would say:  “Here’s we GOO!”

A is for Artefact Planning

Thank god the tedious task of researching and writing an annotated bibliography has pretty much come to a close.  I found a couple of feature articles that, while I guess were kind of interesting, didn’t exactly further our group’s targeted subject: Film Festivals.  The best articles we found were chapters from university film text books (surprise, surprise) which were incredibly comprehensive on the topic of festival planning and how the film selections illicit and impact an audience’s response.  It is for this reason that we have basically decided to base our artefact on Film Festival Programming.

So today’s practorial had us brainstorming ideas for what our artefact is actually going to be and we have come up with a couple of options and backup plans.

  • A short and snappy news snippet type production of ‘What’s on in Melbourne” focusing on film festivals and interviews with film festival-goers
  • A podcast with similar qualities
  • A feature article
  • A series of vlogs surrounding the film festivals

We’re hoping to create a hashtag and ideally get it trending to hear the public’s thoughts and opinions on their experience with the film festivals.  By next week’s meeting we’re hoping to have a drafted script/structure to work off.


Week 6 Lectorial

In week 6 we focused on collaboration- a topic I dare say the majority of students of all ages from primary school to university generally loathe the idea of.
We’ve all had those group work experiences when the workload is one sided or someone hasn’t come through on their side of the work and we can all agree it’s the WORST.
Since a lot of our work from here on out will be collaborative, this week’s focus was on what makes a good team and how to avoid those collaboration mishaps.
The key to a successful team comes down to this:

  • Clear Objectives
  • Good Communication
  • Consistency
  • Respect
  • Support
  • Responsibility
  • Equitability

Pretty simple right?

Week 5 Readings

Week 5’s media lectorial covered our new project brief which is a similar idea to the last, but this time portraying someone we know rather than ourselves.  I’m pretty keen to get started.
This week’s readings had us looking at collaborative work and what makes an effective team.  The most interesting thing I recall reading came from Jean Tabaka, 2006, ‘What are collaborative teams?’ Collaboration explained: Facilitation skills for software project leaders, Upper Saddle River, NJ : Addison-Wesley, pp.23-43.
It describes, in depth, what personalities are needed to be assigned together in order to make a ‘high-performance’ team using William Moulton Marston’s D.I.S.C.

D= the dominant one/the leader

I= Focuses on all the possibilities (the what-ifs) and new visions and alternatives

S= Builds the relationship amongst the team, stable team member

C= Checks all facts and figures on ideas and analyses with attention to detail

It goes on to talk about how any team with an uneven balance of these four roles can throw off the balance in one way or another and therefore make a less effective collaborative team.
I found it an interesting read; probably the most interesting reading so far.