When we were told our first Media One project was a self portrait that captures the essence of who we are at first I was like “rad, that’s easy”.  But after mulling over what to put in this post I realised it’s something I actually find quite hard and after talking to my older sister (and confidant) about how I was struggling with it a bit she replied with “Well duh, you never self-analyse.”  And she’s right. She hit it on the head.  I float around.  Everything’s chill.  I don’t think about it much; and maybe that’s the best way to describe me.  “Relaxed.”  “Buddha with hair.”


First is obvious; I am incredibly close to my family.  I’m one of 4 girls and the tattoo on my wrist is all of our Chinese Horoscopes (mum has always had an avid interest in it).  This photo was gifted to me the night before I moved to Melbourne, away from all of them.  I miss them.


What even is unpacking?  I’ve been here for over a month and pretty much everything is still in boxes.  I don’t need much, materially, so this is basically the extent of my belongings and I’m so used to living out of my suitcase from living week-on, week-off between my parents that it doesn’t even bother me in the slightest.


I am not a morning person.  I love sleep.  If I have nothing planned for the day, chances are I won’t be awake before midday.


Down-time is important to me.

I hate silence.

I am the complete and utter definition of indecision.  What movie do I want to watch? I don’t know/I don’t mind.  What do I want for dinner? I don’t know/I don’t mind. Etc. Etc. Etc.


Even though I’m hardly ever awake for them, mornings just before the sun comes up are beautiful.

I find an odd peace in being in places that are usually crowded, when they’re almost deserted.

“The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it. Be aware of the thoughts you are thinking. Separate them from the situation, which is always neutral. It is as it is.”

-Eckhart Tolle