1. Script Exercise Reflection
This first edit focuses on another script exercise we worked on in class.
The production and filming/recording of this exercise would have to be my favourite to date, as I really enjoyed the teams I worked with and how we all used our different skills to create something wonderful.
For someone who had little to no passion for film making at the beginning of the year, I have really grown to become excited about shooting and learning more about the art of creating such wonderful pieces.
As a beginner, I enjoyed having a go working the camera and really focusing on the shots themselves. With this exercise and edit in particular, we worked hard in pre-production to really nail which shots we wanted to use, and it’s reflected really well in the end result.
For this second edit, I decided to use footage from our second shoot and I believe it has to be my favourite edit of the two.
I was excited to work with these shots as we focused more on the over the shoulder shots to really add some variety of angles. It was hard to achieve the shots perfectly as we were forced to work with the wall, but I believe they came out well and work wonderfully in the end piece.
Having to work in certain locations can really test the skill of your team, and it was fun to challenge ourselves to film in such a tight and confined space. I definitely also took away how important recording sound on a shoot really is. For the second shoot we luckily remembered to turn the camera audio on, unlike in the first shoot, so it was easier when it came to edit. However, what the camera picked up was not even close to the level of quality which the boom recorded.
We recorded wild lines, atmos and Foley in a quiet place which also had soft music playing in the background. However, when it came to editing, the atmos we recorded really didn’t fit with the audio of the lines. There was too much of a cut between different background noises and it was unsettling. Even in the final edits the background noise isn’t perfect, however, it was the best I could do with the skill level I have at the moment.