Prompt 2.
One of our first homework assignments was focused on the shot construction exercises we did in class. The task was simple; film yourself performing an action and construct as man shots as you desire. However, it HAD to be boring and this initially links to one of my discoveries made in class. As said by Paul, shot construction has to be boring in order for scenes and segments to be perfected. To gain experience creating a stunning shot, there needs to be practice done beforehand. Hence, by doing the homework task, I experimented with different shots of myself making a cup of tea. Reflecting back on it now, I realise that by habit I made the short 30 second video not as boring as it could have been. But to my defence, I am a creative thinker and learner and I believe it positively assists me to making satisfactory work. Although the clip was short, shot construction can be time-consuming and tedious in order to be perfected.
Used to inspire our homework exercises, the first shot construction work we did in class also links to my epiphany had about shot construction and film-making having to be tedious and boring in certain cases. This exercise involved us getting into groups of 4 or 5 and shooting different shots of the same action. Paul instructed us to not to go crazy with our shooting, as some other professionals believe is necessary. Instead, he told us to shoot to edit, meaning we should experiment with shots so we don’t have any regrets when we got edit, and also meaning we shouldn’t go overboard. By creating different shots of Alex contemplating what to drink from a vending machine (with the help of others in my group), I was able to later see in the editing process how different shots work together nicely. With multiple shots, different versions and edits of the same scene can be conducted. Therefore, if you were to be working with a client, you have different options to show them in case your first one was to not be of their taste.