Final Post (Media 1)

This first semester has held quite a lot of ups and downs for me, not only inside but also outside the course itself. The beginning of this year heralded big changes for me as not only was I to start university but I also moved…

Video Essay and Audio Essay

The Brief For our last project In this course, “Media 1” we were told to create a Video and Audio essay, each around 5 minutes long. Now what is a Video essay you might ask, well for those of you who aren’t aware it’s basically…

I need to stop this is just embarassing

So we film a little movie It tells a tale of joy with fun and fairy princesses for all the girls and boys   But they did not like that oh no because the princesses was too femme so that films gone a way now…

Studying in Uni (Away from home)

In the past I knew how to study, it was easy I would just lock myself up in my room. I’d tell my parents to stop me if I was just watching youtube videos, I’d spread out on the lounge room floor and study… Now…

Staying Inspired

Often we as media people see ourselves and our medium as separate fro the artistic community, however, in truth they are often one and the same. Today I was lucky enough to be asked by a friend to visit her classes graphic design presentation and…

Computer Strife!

Sooooo, my computer failed, sorry buds but the reason I’ve been so quiet. Oh Btw here are a few tips on what to do if you spill water on your laptop computer: Flip it upside down Unplug everything and turn it off Keep it upside…

VFX in live Cabaret

So as I mentioned before I recently went to a Cabaret which was absolutely awesome, (I love Cabarets) but whilst the show was taking place, behind the preformers was a series of really interesting animations as the actors moved across the stage the animations seemed…

Women in the Entertainment industry

So recently I had the pleasure of visiting a Cabaret, it was amazing. I’m a huge fan of these with everything from dancing to comedy, acrobatic’s to live music. I love it all. However, during post show drinks I realized something, despite a predominantly female…

Mining vs Media

I was talking to my mum recently about the media industry (or at least what I have learnt of the industry so far), I found it so interesting because really the only industry I have ever been fully aware of is the mining as both…