Collaboration sheet

For our first group assignment we were required to create and stick to a collaboration sheet. This is a signed agreement discussed by the group that relates to how we conduct ourselves as a group. Everything from our initial project brief to how we will…

Shooting A production Company

Last week I put my hand up for a possible “internship” (really it was just filming with them for two days) and they asked me to come along. As a media student with little professional experience this was an exciting opportunity and it did not…

Anzac Day

In Australia Anzac Day is the day of the year we as a country are meant to reflect on and remember all those who have lost their lives at war, but what are we actually remembering? Most media seems to portray ANZAC day as a…

Peer Review

As with myself everyone in our media one class was forced to share their interviews with the class. We actually had some very interesting results, every bodies portraits were actually very good. In class we were also asked to prepare a peer review for each…

Interview & Reflection

Project Brief 3. This is our third assessment for the year, as with the previous two it is a portrait, this time thankfully not of myself, but instead, a person I know. Thankfully I managed to rope one poor girl, Kate, into volunteering. This portrait…

Group Flow

This week our Lectorial and in our Workshop for media 1 we discussed collaboration. As a media producer it is not really an option to work alone. A project of any notable size requires many people all working together, such is the discipline. From lighting…

Preview of “Sketch”

Sketch is a shot documentary detailing the life of a girl chasing her dreams despite both knowledge based and physical disadvantages. This 3 minute documentary gives us a window into her life, and her struggles. from here the audience is allowed to discover the passion and…

Out for a Stroll

After the rain, water glistening in the dark the light shining through. The shadows are both ominous and beautiful, both urban and natural shimmering in the darkness unobserved, alone.

Formal vs. Informal voice

Hup humm “Clears throat” So In my most recent assessment of my blog I was given some very confusing advice. Apparently my blog, is… lets say too informal. Now I personally have noooooo idea what they were talking about. How could a blog I write…


During this weeks workshop we were given a worksheet to complete pertaining to our documentary, as such we were given this class exercise. What is the controlling idea? This portraits driving idea revolves around both the subject’s passion for design and how this is effected…