Soundscape & Perspective

This weeks reading was all about sound and soundscapes. According to the extraordinarily long reading in soundscapes there are 3 main units of composition. Figure – The focus of the soundscape Ground – Mid-ground sounds Field – Background sounds These three components create perspective within…

Types of Microphones

So the extraordinarily long reading we were given for class this week was all about sound. One aspect of this that relates specifically to media and film was what sort of microphones were appropriate for different sorts of environments and situations. Types of Microphones Lavalier…


Okay so this bloody thing is finally done. About a week and a half ago we were supposed to do it in class but we didn’t and nobody told us it was in the assessment, so a few days later we all get told… “Yeah…


So “Sound” the word of the week, this week in my “Media 1” lecture sound was the main focus, which by the way is great for me. This semesters elective for me is sound design so I felt like a huge smarty pants going into…

My Self Portrait

So I made a blog post a while ago about this but as our first uni assessment we needed to make this self-portraity thing… using video. I know it sounds weird, and at first I kinda hated it, but now… okay its not good, however,…

I’m a terrible uni Student

God dang it, I used to think  was so good at this studying thing. Back in school it all made sense. People explained things, I knew how to study, how to get things in on time. I have been trying sooo hard since I arrived…

Edward De Bono: The 6 thinking hats

So in last weeks Media 1 workshop our lecturer introduced the Edward De Bono 6 hats criticism system. Basically it is meant to force an individual or group to consider many different points of view when analysing a decision. However, our lecturer asked us to…

How media is talked about and taught

So this weeks reading for my “Media 1” seminar  was all about how we as a society view and teach media. The link to the actual texts are here: (Gauntlet.D (2016) Remaking how we think about media) (Gauntlet.D (2014) Making Media Studies: Extract from new book, accessed…

Uber and media

So today in our Media 1 seminar we were discussing the different roles and types of media, somehow we got onto the topic of uber and, is it just me or has everybody forgotten that all important phrase, “Don’t get into the back of a…


So this weeks reading, Blood in the Gutters (Scott McCloud, 1993, ‘Blood in the Gutter’, Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art (Northampton, MA : Tundra Pub) was actually pretty interesting. Despite its title this… comic (for lack of a better descriptor), is actually about how we, as humans…