Week Two: aftermath

What went well? How can I build on it?

  • Good ideas! I’m really happy with my visual representation  — in theory, anyway. They were varied; I didn’t feel like I was repeating myself. I gave myself a lot of time to think about it which I plan to continue — it’s important to respect the abstract stage as much as the planning or making.
  • I’m proud of the patience I demonstrated with the found images. That stuff takes forever and usually I avoid it. I’m glad I dived into something I knew was going to be a bit of a drag and, though it’s far from polished, it’s probably my favourite section of the three. The lesson? Stop avoiding things you think are going to be boring.

What went poorly? How can I do it differently next time?

  • Ellie: you’re not a filmmaker. At least you’ve made peace with it. But there’s no harm in getting a little sharper. You must be better than first year, at least in audio editing, because there were plenty of things that you recognised were worth fixing (even if you didn’t go through with it and do them). It wouldn’t kill you to work more on your filmmaking and editing skills because frankly, this video is beyond amateurish. It would be an insult to amateurs to call it that. Your execution is… not great.
  • Tweaking irrelevant details. That time could’ve been better spent editing out all the peaks in your audio, for instance (turns out I have a heavy “P” sound). I know this assignment was meant to be lo-fi, but my time management would’ve been better if I’d assessed my priorities at the very beginning.
  • I’m torn on the lo-fi issue. Where does it end and sloppiness begin? Is there an issue of personal pride to take in? On the other hand, I feel like I accurately (if not elegantly) represented my ideas. Self-doubt is an issue no matter what. These are questions you should be asking earlier on, not when you’re slapping together dough in your kitchen a day before the thing’s due.
  • Try not leaving your upload until the last minute!!!! Damn!!! This is your third year!!! Come on!!!!


Week Two: attribution for found images




Week Two: the weird weird world of Archive.org

Is this as dark as I think it is? Has Jewellery TV accurately captured the bleakness and cynicism of modern life?

There’s nothing I love more than going down an internet rabbit hole — whether it’s Archive.org, Wikipedia or the horrible alt-right forums of Reddit. Truly, we live in a terrifying world

Week One: Reflecting

What’s going well?

  • Since Tuesday? Frankly not a lot to comment on
  • I was looking forward to coming to class today (a good sign)
  • Read through a few blog posts; it’s interesting to see what everybody’s thinking

What should I do differently?

  • Leaving my reading until the morning doesn’t give me enough time if something goes wrong… like this morning, when I couldn’t get the readings platform to work
  • Check for typos! iPads are not great at autocorrect, although they’re better for your back than a kg laptop
  • Actually on that note my back is feeling a lot better. That’s a pro ✔️

Week One: on week one

What have I learnt so far? Alright okay. I don’t know if it counts as learning but I’m apprehensive in a good way. I’m not a filmmaker and have never pretended to be so I’m curious (hmm) about how I’ll be able to use my skillset with this form of assessment, but I’ll make it work. Can’t be worse than that time I passed Media 1 with 51%; so, progress.

I’m feeling a little argumentative, which is better than feeling placid because it means (I hope) that I’m listening critically to what Adrian’s telling us. It’s all certainly very inote resting, and it’s making me curious to learn more, which is pinging that participation goal of mine.

Self-care is also a big focus for me this year, since I spent the back half of 2016 learning about my brain and what it needs. I’m excited to put it into practice. Though it sounds a bit strange, taking proper care of myself (from the boring stuff like sleeping to the more complicated, like knowing when to let things go and not take personally) will help me make myself more uncomfortable — which is where I create best. I need pressure to make anything at all but I don’t want to freak out and burn out. See: what happened in Media 1.

I’m hopeful. I like reflecting — to a fault — so I’ll be glad to work on it in a challenging context. There’s active reflection and cop-out reflection, after all. I’m good at bullshitting but I don’t want to lean on it when I could actually be using my brain.

How long is this writing period going  to be? I’m really hungry and have a bit of a sore throat, I hope it won’t turn into a cold.

What I really hope is that the 22 years I’ve suffered my dad’s pop psychology will lead to me actually knowing how to ask questions. I  can ask a decent one already. I mean, I know how to think about these things… whether I can effectively put them into practice instead of getting grumpy and resentful is a different story. I’m not as clever as I think I am, or I’m clever differently. I don’t know but I need to figure that out and this studio seems like a decent place to do it.

God I sound really insufferable, reading back on this. But I won’t edit it, that would be inauthentic.