Waaaah, how do people do it? I mean, I was excited to start a blog? In theory I even had things to put on it? I can read? I can type? I’ve been to unlectures? I like good marks as much as the next person?
…but look, still no posts…
Every time I go to actually post something, I end up deleting it…
It feels like I’ve done this a million times…
When I was 14, I decided my best friend and I were going to be famous on Twitter (it seemed fair cos we were already the founding members of a cool band…neither of us played an instrument, but I wrote some really moving songs about Robert Pattinson (4 social commentary…im not a losr)
…It might be pretty surprising to find out that I am in fact NOT twitter famous at present (shoot me a follow if u wanna hear some sweet lyrics tho)…
The next year I decided tumblr was probably a better place for cool, cutting edge 15 y.o feminists like me (This was around about the time I invented vintage clothes and the beatles). I posted once (and I don’t want to alarm you…but I’m pre sure I used the f-word) and got one follower (who was v. impressed).
Anyway, I suppose what I’m trying to say is, while I seem to like the idea of broadcasting my opinions and having them read by people, when it comes to actually putting pen to paper and delivering, there is something stopping me. In lots of ways I think my issue with blogging was addressed in the optional reading Adrian provided for week two … or, as one could argue, the very premise of the medium.
That is to say that blogging is designed to be inherantly expressive or personal; you don’t follow the same structure or subject matter in a blog post as you might in an essay (then again, you probably could if you wanted to). At the same time, though, there is no escaping the fact you are writing for an audience … maybe you know them, maybe you don’t, but at the end of the day people can see what you have written, so it’s no diary entry. What’s more, within this audience is a vast sea of opinion, insight and experience … no doubt I would speak differently to my friends than I would my tutors, and yet both could read this post if they wanted to. Walking the line between the personal and the professional has over time proven itself to be endlessly intimidating for me (that and the fact I am terrified I will be sued for accidentally plagarising something). As if this wasn’t enough, anything I post on the internet is going to be around FOREVER, at best I’m sure this will no doubt be very embarrassing, it worst it could affect my future career and lifestyle prospects.
But, as my 15 yo tumblr self would say
“nothing ventured, nothing gained”*
–xo John Lennon xoxo
If I want to learn something from this experience, I’ve got to get messy up in it. So tomorrow I’ll probably do a post about a reading or something…
*(to any prospective employers who have found this, I know this was a famous quote by Lil’ Jon and not John Lennon)