This week had a bit of discussion about the 80/20 rule and a bit of discussion about essays.
Now I love a bit of debate. I will happily argue with someone all day long. I’ll happily watch other people argue all day long. Every week, we get to here the opinions of our tutors, which is great and I often find it helpful in gauging where i personally lie on the spectrum. But this week our mighty leaders were arguing over how best to write our creative essays. While Adrian likes that a creative essay can flow in any direction, take any turn and be about any topic (relating to the subject of course), Betty thinks that the essay should follow a clear path, with footnotes being the way in which to express other ideas. So who are we meant to listen to? The course coordinator who designed the classes and assessments, or our tutor, who in the end will be the one marking the essay? Obviously I’m going to write my essay in a way that will earn me a higher mark with Betty, but I think I like Adrian’s way of thinking more.
Kenton gives a good summary here of what Adrian was saying during the symposium, and I also agree with him about the 80/20 stuff being a bit boring.
Kiralee also seems concerned with the lack of cohesion between tutors, and summarises Betty’s stance on the essay.
And finally, on my travels through the world of peers’ blogs, I came across Kerri’s Blog. I don’t know Kerri, but she sure does have a nice little banner at the top of her blog. I like it, a hell of a lot.