At first I thought that Shield’s writing was linear, and the numbers were just a strange way of breaking up paragraphs. But as I read on, I realised that this was more of a chain-of-thoughts type of writing. Like in English class in High School when your teacher would tell you to write down everything that goes through your mind for five minutes and you just ended up talking about how your hand couldn’t keep up with your brain and how loud the person sitting next to you was breathing.
There is meaning in Shield’s writing. I understand the idea he is trying to get across about collage writing. But it just seemed to come about in a more round-about way. Shields has sources and examples, but they seem to come out of nowhere. The ideas are there, but it just takes a while to grasp them as you try to follow Shields’ thought process. It’s an interesting way of reading and writing, and certainly not too difficult, but I’m also not sure it’s how I want to read everything.