I actually had a lot of fun creating this portrait. The film had to include a certain amount of found footage which ended up working extremely well with the subject I’d chosen to do my portrait on. This being my best friend and her love of the 1930’s era. I found that there was a lot of silent film material in online archives that I could use without any copyright issues and that actually improved the standard of my portrait. I didn’t actually use any of the footage from the camera I borrowed due to the fact that I lost it via the nebulus ether that is my computer. So I filmed the portrait on my Nikon D3100 which worked quite nicely. However, I did encounter a few problems when it came to editing the sound together and finding the right song for the portrait. Obviously I didn’t use one long track of talking, but cut up little phrases that I’d edited to make sentences. I think I did an ok job of doing this but there are some noticeable glitches in the soundtrack that I wasn’t sure how to deal with. When it came to choosing a song, I had found the perfect track in a Billie Holiday tune called ‘Georgia On My Mind’. But of course I wasn’t able to use this! It literally took me two weeks to find a song that worked just as well and that I was able to use without issues of copyright. If I were to do this task again, I think I’d also double check that my camera was in focus as I’ve had to use footage that I didn’t realise was out of focus until I watched it back on my computer. But overall, I think I’ve replicated my friend’s love of the era quite nicely as well as recreate the atmosphere of it.

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