Sound is an integral part of creating media and every day life. Today in our media tutorial we discussed sound and put our knowledge into practise using Zoom H2N sound recorders.

Some points discussed in class included:

-Sound comes in the form of waves

-Sound is air pressure changing

-Sound enters our ears and is processed in the brain

-Unlike eyes, there is no physical barrier to stop sound entering our ears

-Silence doesn’t really exist

-We need to think about the aspects of sound in order to have creative control over it

-Difference between sound and noise

-Hearing vs listening

-Always aim for a high signal to noise ratio

-There are 4 types of sound: musical, speech, sounds and noise (unintended sound)

Rachel mentioned that there is a difference between listening and hearing, between sound and noise. Listening occurs when one is actively and willingly partaking in interpreting sound and what they are hearing. Hearing occurs whenever there is sound around us, however this does not mean that we are interpreting the sound. Until we ‘listen’, it is just noise.

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