Wednesday’s class was a huge presentation of everyone’s Project Brief 2 films. It was amazing to see the different ways in which we each analyse a space and how we differ from each other artistically but also how we can be quite similar in our approaches. Rose’s film was a highlight for me. She really took the task and completely put her own style and creativity into it and made the project her own. She chose a public bathroom as her non-place and placed an actor in it to eat various different kinds of foods, challenging the idea of a bathroom being just a place to use the toilet.
Upon seeing my film up on the big screen and projected in front of the whole class I actually felt like it was really boring. I hadn’t felt that beforehand. However, the feedback that I got was extremely positive. Apparently the pacing was really well thought out, slow and even and my sound effects really aided the idea of the drains being an in between place amongst surburbia.