Media analysis and commentary

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Audiences Update

This week has no real revelations to share. It has been a week of little things that all add up. Organising timelines, writing a rough script, editing trials. Our workshop involved showing each other what we’d come up with. The… Continue Reading →

Group Projects

Everyones done them, and now this week we are given ours in turn. No matter who you get put with you have to deal, even if your partner is the most lazy, unintelligent, rude slacker in the class. Lucky for… Continue Reading →

Learning The Ropes

My editing experience is limited, to say the least. So I’ve been compiling short videos to practice my skills, here is one I put together from footage I took of my end of year 12 celebration: burning all the notes… Continue Reading →

Ethical April Fools

I know its still half a month away but I thought I’d get the message out there before someone makes this mistake: April Fools is not an excuse to be a d*ck. This reminder comes after we received a lecture… Continue Reading →

How To Be Cool and Not a Tool

It seems simple enough, doesn’t it? Respect those you’re working with, be conscientious and kind. Well anyone whose worked in the service industry can tell you that its not always (ever) that way. I can’t remember all the times I’ve… Continue Reading →

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