Ive had an amateurish interest in photography for years and delight in capturing moments when all aspects of the environment, lighting, subject, background, they all come together to create something beautiful.
When you introduce movement it all goes to hell. I quickly figured that out when during our workshop we were asked to shoot quick meet-n-greet scenes to get used to using cameras. For films you must consider what the composition will be at every point in the shot, where the light is and where it will go if your camera moves. There are so many things to consider when composing a shot as I learnt when while following my subject Corey with the camera I was forced to abruptly change angles to keep him in the shot because he is a behemoth who towers over my petite 5″4.
I had never considered things like this and goes to show how much more I have to learn before I’m ready to create more complicated projects as a director.
When we moved on to audio recording devices I had both an easier and harder time, since this was technology I was completely inexperienced with, but picked it up quickly. I became fascinated with the quality of sound that could be produced and of course disturbed by playbacks of my own voice, causing me to nag my partner incessantly with questions of ‘Do I really sound like that?”.
This workshop has proven that there is so much for me to learn and inspired me to get out there and learn it.
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