Sorry to bust out the high school french on you, but i’m sharing my developments on ‘The First Project’. So far it’s been mostly planning and brainstorming, getting everything together so this week I can start on the actual production of my two videos, two audio files, four pictures and small text.

I’ll make a proper summary of all the elements of my self-portrait once they’re all completed, but I want to share my progress to keep up my motivation and get feedback. Seriously, let me know if you like the idea, or if you think it needs work, its too obscure/blunt/weird/anything.

The first audio file was the easiest to put together, and there’s a story behind it. I love languages, I think they’re fascinating. I know passable French and have been teaching myself German, and I know how to say ‘have a nice day’ in 11 languages. I work in a pharmacy so we get a lot of older customers who sometimes have accents from their home countries so I like to ask them a bit about their homes and how to say ‘have a nice day’ in their native language. Most indulge my terrible pronunciation and teach me a little bit, I’ve picked up some ‘thankyous’ ‘goodnights’ and ‘see you agains’ as well.

I thought these phrases deserved a place in my self-portrait because they illustrate my passion for learning and my desire to reach out to people, to connect to them even for a moment. Ive been in a foreign country and its always comforting to hear some words from home, hopefully my customers feel the same, and hopefully they haven’t taught me any swear words instead.