Our first media lectorial we were asked to write a list of ten things we wanted to learn/get/improve on by the end of this course.

1. Know what career I want

At the moment I have grand ideas about pursuing a career in special effects, but without knowing what else is out there I can’t commit to this. I hope this course will help show me what opportunities I have.

2. Be able to fully make/produce media

As much as I want to end up specialising in a certain field, I’d love to have the skills to write, direct and produce media from scratch.

3. Be able to analyse what makes media effective

This course is all about Media relations, how different medias interact with each other, and most importantly, the audience. I want to know how to construct media thats going to appeal to the audience I want in the way that I want

4. Know the different facets of media

See no. 3. In order to know what makes something effective I need to be able to break it down into its different components

5. Know the tropes/components of different genres

I love recognising and watching when a piece of media plays around wit genre and tropes, so in order to do this myself I need to know what components make up a certain genre

6. How to manipulate footage/media in order to change its genre

I would like to challenge myself one day by taking the same footage or script and change its genre just through editing

7. Learn how to use editing software

Right now this blogging platform is challenging the limits of my computer literacy, so I’d like to have learnt to use more complicated programs

8. Create a network

Unashamedly stole this one off a guy who put it forward, but definitely a key part of what I want to get out of this course. This lesson made me realise how many different aspects of media there are and people are interested in, it’d be useful to know specialists in areas that I am incompetent

9. Learn how to produce media for the right audience/that engages the audience

I know what I like to see in media, but going forward i’ll need to learn what certain audiences like to see in media, and tailor it to them

10. Learn new special effects techniques

I don’t know if this is something i’ll be able to pick up through the course, or something i’ll have to pursue on my own, but it’ll be a key part in choosing my career.

So good luck 2018 me, I hope you’ve got all this sorted!