Week Twelve Blogpost

Blog: write 400 words – reflect on your film thinking about the following points: What did you want to achieve in your film? What do you think are the most successful elements in your film? What would you do differently next time? What did you learn about the topic of food you focussed on?

What did you want to achieve in your film?

To show the emergence of asian fusion culture between Australian cuisine, as well as the story of vegemite curry told through Khahn, the head chef of Sunda Dining. Through cinematic elements, I wanted to develop a story that would inspire and create a desire to explore fusion within one’s own community and culture, and allow people to reflect on what Australian (and fusion) cuisine means to them through their everyday life through food.

What do you think are the most successful elements in your film?

I really enjoyed the elements of videography and the vide footage that I produced, I was really proud of the variety of shots to showcase the Vegemite Curry Dish and the process that is shown through the footage that I recorded. Although audio is not my strongest point, I also enjoyed learning new elements on Premiere Pro with fading and checker-boarding, something I had never done before, so I am proud for trying something new.

What would you do differently next time? What did you learn about the topic of food you focussed on?

Now that I know the trials and tribulations of audio elements, I would use a lapel to capture audio more clearly, rather than a shotgun mic. Although there is always going to be noise in the kitchen, which was tough to omit from the audio. I learnt about the history of Sunda, the elements of food fusion that were important to Khahn and in turn, how Sunda developed a dish to try and change people’s minds about an Australian staple (Vegemite) and put it into a new spotlight than it has been traditionally perceived.