Week Three Reflection

Upon Week Three, we have been discussing our profile for our second assignment – I’ve chosen Johnathan Gold (luckily for me, we’re actually watching his documentary in the second lecture this week!). He was one of LA’s most prominent food critics, sadly, he passed away earlier this month, so I thought I wanted to do a reflection-style critic on his work and how it has influenced food criticism as a whole. Because there are so many ways to go about critical style, I am still trying to find my ‘voice’ that we talked about in Week One – it’s been a learning process! By going through and analyzing critical pieces of Edward Scissorhands in our tute, this helped with determining what sort of ‘voice’ and impression I want to portray to the reader of my pieces.

In the Thursday, we watched Johnathan Gold’s documentary, City of Gold – a food critism piece. From a career standpoint, I am a food writer in my ‘everyday life’ (when I am not at university) so watching and learning more about my career. Johnathan Gold was one of LA’s best food critics (LA being a ‘leading edge in population growth and diversity in the range of foods’) and has been the only food critic to win a Pulitzer Prize for his writing. I admire Johnathan not only for sticking to ‘high-end’ restaurants, but also enjoying and showing underground Los Angeles.

The key point that I took away was the knowledge and dedication towards restaurants and the writing process, as well as the fact that hopefully, someday, I’ll have to buy a bunch of ‘throwaway’ phones to make reservations (a gal can dream).