Media and the Fashion Industry.


Last week I was lucky enough to attend Melbourne Fashion Festival (of VAMFF as it is affectionately known) and it made me think about passion and the workplace in terms of fashion. Although I am only touching on one event in this piece, some of these ideas are felt throughout the whole industry, I can imagine.

Fashion is something that deeply interests me, particularly in Melbourne – everyone creating their own unique sense of style is something that I not only find inspirational, but engrains a sense of identity in each individual. Melbourne Fashion Festival, although known for having high end and designer items really showcased all the attendees individual style, thus, showing how one can be unique in an environment that is typically seen as competitive.

You can also link this to Newport’s ideas of craftsmanship thinking – the fashion industry (similarly to the media industry) is known for being competitive, thus, your way of thinking determines how influential you can be in the workforce. Often, you have to be ruthless to gain a position in the prestigious names of Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar and the like, let alone being a designer yourself. I think Newport’s model is at the heart and soul of many creators – the work will come to you if you work for it and thus, passion will follow.

VAMFF 2017

Pedestrian TV VAMFF 2016