So this is it, the lectorial of utmost importance to my PB4 group. Brian gave us a really intriguing talk ranging from the beginnings of ‘institutions’ as we know them, examples of social institutions, to recent examples of popular culture drawing inspiration and story lines from well-known public institutions.

Here is a little round-up of my notes:

  • Institutions is a term stemming from sociology
  • The study of institutions revolves around the organising structures in society that are concerned with the principles, values and rules that inform that particular inst., as well as the social, cultural, political and economic relations that can affect the institution

Looking at institutions involves looking at the way structure and agency working alongside or against each other.

Brian gave us the example of traditional marriage as a social institution and asked people in the room to start yelling out some examples of what we know about marriage as a social institution. I thought that this was a helpful exercise, although I don’t truly believe that ‘marriage’ was a good enough example as I don’t find it very relevant or important in today’s society.

Branston and Stafford described institutions in the media as

> Enduring, involving a history that performs and also constrains them

> Regulate and structure activities

> Are ‘collectivist’

> Develop working practices

> Employees and people associated are expected to share values

> Public is aware of the status of the institution

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