IMG_2423Sticking to the theme of posting screenshots of pictures of myself from Instagram, above is a picture that my work posted onto their account to promote one of the new fresh-squeezed juices on the menu, paired with a fresh rap squat from yours truly, it truly is a great way to spend $6. Really bad jokes aside, I think that the rise of social media as a new form of free advertisement for any kind of business, company or movement is a really interesting one. Like I’ve mentioned before, LBSS Cafe and their heavy use of Instagram alongside an easy-to-navigate, regularly updated, attractive and unique website, where tweets and tagged Instagram photos from others can be easily found, I think that it’s a true testament to the digital world we live in (not to mention the ridiculously healthy cafe culture that has Melbourne, and probably the world in its grips); that a well-thought social media presence could be the make or break of a cafe in Abbotsford. It’s not something I’m mad about, being somewhat of a digital native and full time supporter of Instagram, but it is somewhat bewildering to notice the full effect an online platform can have on peoples lives. For my pop culture elective I made a short vlog about Instagram so I thought I’d pop that in here because there’s nothing I love more than communicating my point over various platforms. Enjoi


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