To be honest, writers block has had a firm, unforgiving grip on me over these past few weeks and I have been finding it very hard to get my motivation revved right up to where it needs to be to move past that first-draft phase.
This weeks Lectorial was broken into 3 parts: Copyright, exploring the unknown and pre-production.
The copyright element was stock standard but still very handy, especially as we all wade out in the creation of our next Project Briefs, especially the PB3 coming up in week 7 in which we can use stock material AKA stuff we don’t create ourselves. I heard other classmates talking about contacting local and unsigned artists for the use of their music when creating things – I thought that this was a great idea and something to definitely keep in mind over the years of this degree.
Next up Kyla Brettle spoke to us about immersing yourself in the field. She was a really interesting speaker and talked to us about some of the experiences she’s had over the years being a documentary filmmaker. She used sound bites from the field which really contextualised what she was saying about putting yourself out there – especially in situations where you find yourself in unfamiliar territory to get a story. She was truly a captivating speaker, and gave us all a real life example of the skills we learn throughout the course being translated into the real world!
We then had Paul Ritchard talk to us about pre-production and collaboration. It’s really great to hear from a variety of voices and people during our lectorials, especially in regards to forging our careers in the media ~ whatever that may involve