Week Nine Holy Moly

This weeks lectorial focused on audiences and how they are a huge part, probably even the number one reason of how and why media can succeed. Without the audiences there is no media; there is no way it could ever work or there would be no reason for it to continue on. This is why TV shows with little or no audiences get cut or why artists with little or no fans do not ‘make it’. However, media artefacts suffer even more these days with the ‘modern audiences’ or people ‘formerly known as the audience’. People have become so interactive with media now and so picky with every type of media, that they are now in control. It isn’t just watching the TV or reading the newspaper anymore; we choose what we want to see because of such developments of the internet as well as smart phones. If someone wants to watch a TV show, chances are they’re not going to watch it on the TV but whenever they feel like it on their laptop, tablet or smart phone. There is no clearing everything and making time for your favourite TV show which is on at 7.30 tonight. It doesn’t work like that anymore. Media has become so easy for users use and it is totally in their hands of how and what they use the media for.

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