During our first lectorial for Media 1, we were introduced to the what we want to learn and how we will learn these things during the course. This was my first class at uni so I was interested to learn about what was going to happen throughout the course. We began with writing a list of 10 things that we want to be able to do/to be better at/to know by the completion of the degree. Here is my list…
- To learn more about the big world of social media.
- I want to learn the impact that social media has on us.
- I would like to learn to use computer programs very well as in editing, filmmaking, etc.
- More knowledge about the the idea of media and the theory behind it.
- I would like to create a network of people and places for when uni is over.
- I want to learn how to find a job and make a career out of the degree in the media industry.
- How media effects different places and cultures all over the world.
- I want to know how to connect to an audience and how to make them engaged in what I am doing.
- I want to gain presentation skills on how to showcase my work.
- I want to become more confident in what I do as well as my own work; not be afraid to show it off.
As the lectorial went on we continued the discussion, or on our (the students) part, listening to the ways in which we can learn. University differs to high school greatly as it is so much more individual and self driven… We all WANT to be there so learning is easier in a sense, but also more difficult because we have to push ourselves to explore different ways of learning. What I really got out of it is that we shouldn’t be too literal about learning in this course; just because we are told one thing we shouldn’t literally do that. We need to make analogies, practice our learning techniques, repeat these methods over and over again even if we make mistakes or fail sometimes, until we finally get it. It is also about finding processes that work individually, because everyone is different and we all have many different ways of doing everything.
A quote was put on the screen during the lectorial that I found very true and inspiring. On Werner Herzog: “Or per Herzog, who describes himself as a product of his cumulative humiliations and defeats, ‘filmmaking causes pain’.” (A Guide for the Perplexed: Conversations with Paul Cronin, 2014) I found this very relatable to my own feelings of not only filmmaking but anything where you are putting yourself out there, as you can see from my list number 10. It is difficult to put your whole self out there especially your work and what you believe in, but I think that is the fun and excitement of it all. That is what really excites me is that unlike science or business or maths there are no boundaries to Media. I mean really what is Media? Is it an idea or a theory, a space even? To me I think it is more like a movement or something to convey certain messages to certain people. It is scary because there are no boundaries so you have to ask yourself how far can or do you go but that is also very, very exciting!