Project Brief 1: Media Self-Portrait

I feel that this collection of media artefacts best represents me in the way that I see myself. I am difficult to define as one sole thing, as I am far from that. I often find myself wanting to do or be two juxtaposing things at once, hence my inability to categorise myself.

Image 1:

This picture was taken at my favourite place, the lake behind my house. I find that this is the only place I can find serenity and think amongst the madness of day to day.


Image 2:

Drawing has always been a means of escape for me. No matter how long I place down my pen for, whenever I start again I can just pick up where I left off.


Image 3:

My chalkboard wall provides me with a huge scape from which I can brainstorm or simply express myself through art. Also, I really, really love my dog.

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Image 4:

I found this rat piece down a Melbourne lane, probably imitational, but nonetheless, a Banksy-inspired piece. Banksy has driven me to challenge myself as an artist and is the reason I ventured out into the street art style.


Image 5:

I took this picture of my nephew when he was about 8 months old. He is such an enormous aspect of who I am and motivates me every day to be better not just for myself, but for him.


Image 6:

My best friend passed away at the beginning of last year, and this picture at the creek near his house is one of the last memories I have with him.

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Video 1:

This snippet is a recording of my dad’s record player, playing the outro of “Hey Jude” by the Beatles. I have countless memories of my dad humming this to himself.

Video 2:

A close friend of mine lost her father almost 2 years ago, and inherited his beloved Chevrolet. As a classic cars fanatic, you can only imagine who excited I was filming this.

Video 3:

I recorded this video on the train one day, and fell in love with the way the colours of the graffiti surge past and contrast so starkly with the greenery.

Audio 1:
This is a reading from what is likely to be my favourite book, ‘The Five People You Meet in Heaven’, by Mitch Albom. However morbid it may be, I see so much truth in this passage.

Audio 2:

The sound of a kettle boiling has to be one of my favourite sounds, as I automatically associate that with the ease of sipping coffee.

Audio 3:

I started learning piano when I was 8 but only kept it up for a few years. I was sloppy at it, but I refused to give up on it until I had learned the Harry Potter theme song.

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