For our second brief, we were tasked with compiling a series of different mediums into a 1 minute film as a digital portrait of ourselves.

I knew immediately that I would be out of my depth, as I had never worked with film before, and the task required a maximum of 2 video shots. As this was my first time utilising film as a medium, as well as editing via Premiere Pro CC, I know that there is plenty of room for improvement.

I have a distinct idea of who I am, and the most clear-cut thing about me is that I am difficult to define. I find it hard to describe myself, which becomes evident in my film. Instead of talking about myself, I asked my sister-in-law who she thinks I am and how she perceives me, and it is her voice that is layered beneath the other audio tracks. She’s known me since I was 4, and I feel that she has watched me grow up through the eyes of someone who couldn’t always be there, making her perception of me far more interesting.

The first audio clip that you hear is one of my favourite noises, the sound of the turntable needle dropping down onto the record. I’ve always found that anticipation and excitement so satisfying. I wanted the constant ticking of the clock to be part of the film without consuming it, mainly because I am such a time-conscious person, I constantly fear autonomy and wasting time.

The four still images are things that I personally hold close to me or find represent who I am: symbols and remnants of my late grandfather, street art, fruit infused tea, and my favourite fragrance, Flora by Gucci. These, I feel are my emblems.

As a very family oriented person, I wanted there to be something that represents the people who have made me who I am. The patriarch of my family, my Papa, even in his last weeks would remain as positive as emphysema keep you. Roughly translated from Sinhalese to English, he would persistently remind us that “even if the ship is sinking, the band will play on”. And in a lot of ways, that has been my motto.

Because even when things seem to the worst they can possibly be, there will always be a sweet symphony to embrace, a light at the end of the tunnel if you will.



Project Brief 1: Media Self-Portrait

I feel that this collection of media artefacts best represents me in the way that I see myself. I am difficult to define as one sole thing, as I am far from that. I often find myself wanting to do or be two juxtaposing things at once, hence my inability to categorise myself.

Image 1:

This picture was taken at my favourite place, the lake behind my house. I find that this is the only place I can find serenity and think amongst the madness of day to day.


Image 2:

Drawing has always been a means of escape for me. No matter how long I place down my pen for, whenever I start again I can just pick up where I left off.


Image 3:

My chalkboard wall provides me with a huge scape from which I can brainstorm or simply express myself through art. Also, I really, really love my dog.

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Image 4:

I found this rat piece down a Melbourne lane, probably imitational, but nonetheless, a Banksy-inspired piece. Banksy has driven me to challenge myself as an artist and is the reason I ventured out into the street art style.


Image 5:

I took this picture of my nephew when he was about 8 months old. He is such an enormous aspect of who I am and motivates me every day to be better not just for myself, but for him.


Image 6:

My best friend passed away at the beginning of last year, and this picture at the creek near his house is one of the last memories I have with him.

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Video 1:

This snippet is a recording of my dad’s record player, playing the outro of “Hey Jude” by the Beatles. I have countless memories of my dad humming this to himself.

Video 2:

A close friend of mine lost her father almost 2 years ago, and inherited his beloved Chevrolet. As a classic cars fanatic, you can only imagine who excited I was filming this.

Video 3:

I recorded this video on the train one day, and fell in love with the way the colours of the graffiti surge past and contrast so starkly with the greenery.

Audio 1:
This is a reading from what is likely to be my favourite book, ‘The Five People You Meet in Heaven’, by Mitch Albom. However morbid it may be, I see so much truth in this passage.

Audio 2:

The sound of a kettle boiling has to be one of my favourite sounds, as I automatically associate that with the ease of sipping coffee.

Audio 3:

I started learning piano when I was 8 but only kept it up for a few years. I was sloppy at it, but I refused to give up on it until I had learned the Harry Potter theme song.

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