Four weeks of uni successfully complete!

I won’t pretend that this past month hasn’t been gruelling, because it really has. I feel as though there have been more moments that I care to admit where I have fumbled through blindly, out of fear mostly, and somehow come out the other  side of every week feeling confident.

The past week in particular really challenged my skills as a media-maker. Having never used editing software as complex as Premiere Pro CC, and having little to no experience behind a camera, filming and editing, I was really out of my depth. While my PB2 Portrait wasn’t mind-blowing technically, I was proud of myself for persisting through the stress and tears and producing a reflection of myself.

In the spirit of reflection, I thought it would be appropriate to comprise a “survival guide for your first month of uni”, or a list of things I wish I’d known a month ago, if you will.

  1. You do not need permission to use the bathroom like you do in high school. (I learned that one the hard way)
  2. Time. Management. Is. Crucial.
  3. Making friends really is as easy as just saying “hi”.
  4. Being able to balance your time between uni, work, family and that sliver of a social life is essential.
  5. is a life saver.
  6. Did I mention the importance of time management?

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