As Media students, we are constantly publishing and creating content. Especially in the BComm (Media) Course, we are graded on authoring blog posts as part of our degrees.

Ethics are an important element of media to always be mindful of when you are a creator. All content comes from somewhere, or someone, and it is always necessary to give credit where credit is due. We reference articles in our essays in order to minimise plagiarism and ensure that our work is authentic and original. So why should it be any different for our music, photos and sound effects when we produce media?

Copyright laws are in place to regulate the amounts of unoriginal content distributed for both commercial and non-commercial use, however it comes down to the ethical values of media and all fields within this industry. There must be a level of respect amongst all creators, for all creators.

The MEAA is a journalist code of ethics that applies to all content creators within the field which briefly commits members to engage in Honesty, Fairness, Independence and Respect for the rights of others which is followed by a lost of standards that outline the protocol that journalists (and all media practitioners) should strive to adhere to.

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