Today we discussed the concept of ‘Institutions’ in the lectorial. An institution is basically an enduring organisation that comprises individuals working towards a common communicative goal. The following is a flow of notes that I jotted down during the class discussion:
- Facebook – designed for ‘everyone’ – very involved for the audience, connectedness, sharing, information/data collection, professional business space to promote yourself, shared fan space – create your own community, huge corporation= trust, casual/informal/collectiveness (we’ve missed you), personalised (ads etc), default communication, owners of Instagram, many websites say “log in through Facebook” etc.
- ABC – more trustworthy because it’s non for profit, enduring (been around for a while, part of Australian culture, not commercialised, public broadcast/free to air, audience engagement by ‘call-ins’, designed as family TV (ABC kids, news, Spicks and Specks) and usually educational, They seem to care more – regional news… regional areas are important too, persona ‘Aunty’.
- HBO – Produce new ‘original’ idea TV shows, enduring, “HBO not television” tag line, Provocative/adult TV, Long form television
- Community Media – Run by the community for the community, legitimacy/trustworthy, not about profit – more about experience and the love of it/intern, embracing a wider range of voice – diversity, less commercialised, smaller scale, okay to make a mistake (training ground), Volunteer