In the spirit of researching for Project Brief 4, I stumbled upon a video that is very similar to a visual essay by ‘davegud’ on YouTube and thought that it was definitely worth sharing and referencing on my annotated bibliography.

This video goes through each specific aspect of narrative (visual, structural, verbal, technical and symbolic codes and conventions) and distinguishes between what a narrative is, and what a story is, and how they differ. The video is both informative and engaging, providing specific examples of narrative texts that are relevant to the respective aspect of narrative.

I think that this video will be extremely useful to Project Brief 4 as the selected topic for my group is Narratives and Texts. Narrative is the focal point of this video, however it becomes broader through it’s discussion of relevant codes and conventions that essentially establish cinematic narrative. This video can be referenced in the discussion of defining what a narrative is, and can also be useful when selecting the example texts that we will draw upon. More than that, the definitions in the video are highly articulate and can be paraphrased in both the audio and visual essays. This video is also a major inspiration for our visual essay, because of the way it engages the audience while still being very entertaining, which is similar to the way we would like to deliver our information for PB4.

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