Sunday. The day of rest. Except for the fact that I work every Sunday and I am not familiar with the concept of rest. When I got back from work, I spent some time on Tumblr, a blogging service I avidly used a few years ago. I was in the spirit of blogging every day, and I decided to give my old blog a revamp and post a life update. I used to have a large platform on this site, and communicated with thousands of users at once before I got Facebook and neglected my blog. I lost a lot of followers in the years since, but I was surprised to find that I still had 500+ followers after all this time had elapsed.

This is the only platform that actually requires me to “author” content, to write freely and to post snapshots of myself in a creative and honest way. I uploaded a picture of myself at a winery that had been taken by my sister last week attached to the short paragraph about my absence from Tumblr and what I had been up to. I described my first year at University and the changes that had happened since my last personal post. I reblogged some travel pictures and considered why I had stopped blogging.

I pondered what I was doing with online media and how online media had evolved since my last post in late 2014. In early 2015, I made a Facebook account and found that a considerable amount of my time is now spent on Facebook, which is worlds apart from a platform like Tumblr. For me, Tumblr was my private, online journal for me to document my high school trials and tribulations as well as my personal thoughts and dreams. I even posted my own bucket list on there once upon a time. Facebook, for me however, is a platform upon which I am significantly more careful with what I post, mostly because I personally know everyone I have on Facebook, whereas on Tumblr, I was more comfortable expressing my true thoughts, feelings and ambitions to strangers.

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