Today we have been tasked with documenting our use of online media over the space of one week. 7 days, 7 posts. This is to enable us a profound understanding of the ways in which we engage with online media. Every morning I wake up and check my notifications from Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram and Messenger. This permits me to feel connected to the world right off the bat at the start of the day. On the train, I listen to my playlist on Spotify, which is directly linked to my Facebook account. Tonight I posted a picture on Instagram of a picture of myself at the beach from the 15th of March as a “throwback to less stressful times”.

The picture was taken by my sister on her iPhone 6S, and I edited it with the app Afterlight, as well as the Instagram editing services. I only posted this picture on Instagram as this platform is my most personal means of self-expression as I have the most control over who views my content (i.e. private account, selective with followers).

The purpose behind posting this photo was predominantly because at Week 4 in the semester, I was feeling the pressure from uni, and wished to reminisce on happier and more carefree times. Posting on Instagram allows the people closest to me, whom I permit to follow me, to stay in touch with what I am doing. I am not an avid communicator, I’m not very responsive to texts, messages and emails due to my lack of work/uni/life balance, so posting on Instagram is a fast way to let the people I care about know that I am alive and doing well.

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