So now that I have made a decision on who I will be interviewing and have received permission from both Connie and Darren to pursue this interview, it is now time to start working around both my production constraints and the personal constraints that come with an interview of this nature. I comprised a list of things that I must be mindful of when constructing interview questions and subsequently when I am asking the questions. I had to make decisions about the kind of answers am I looking for without showing interviewee bias, in order to give the video a structural flow.

  • Due to the obvious sensitivity of the topic, it is important that I approach the questions in a careful way that isn’t too direct, blatant, or harsh.
  • The interview will be conducted in Connie and Darren’s home, in order for them to feel as comfortable as possible, in addition to conveying a sense of voyeuristic insight to the viewer.
  • The questions will be posed in an almost conversational manner, however, they must be open ended enough for the interviewees to speak candidly without restraint, but also guided enough so that the responses ultimately all relate to the same topic.
  • When editing the interview, I will not include my questions, only their answers. Upon my request they will repeat my questions in their answers so that the interview is central to their responses and emphasises the importance of what they have to say.
  • Also when editing, I have decided to layer a melancholy piano piece that is fully licensed over the interview, and adjust the levels to be softer when there is dialogue.

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