Today marks the end of Week 3; 3 weeks since the beginning of the course, and 3 weeks since I became a full-time university student.

To say that these past three weeks have been overwhelming is an understatement, but the way I see it, when you love what you are studying, it’s hard to perceive it as a burden.

As an overview, these past three weeks have been focused exclusively on what exactly media is, and how we are affected by it and exposed to it through texts, advertising, social media platforms and such.

Media is overwhelming, and more often than not, it is easy to become engulfed by it due to our constant exposure. However, like a rip at the beach, we either can fight it and be weighed down by it, or we can relax and allow it to carry us into a world of communication and connectedness.

Brian defined Media in a way that really resonated with me; I can’t remember what it was exactly, but he proposed that Media is a place in a way, it is where we inhabit, we are made of Media.

Which makes a perfect circle back to Week 1’s Lectorial, a reminder that this, being tugged here and there by the media entity, must be the place.

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